Editorial: The NRA And The Future Of Firearm Ownership
Since its foundation in 1871, the National Rifle Association has provided an organization for the discussion and defense of firearms, both individually and politically. Through its history, the NRA has believed that gun ownership is protected by individual liberty, which it believes to be a bi-partisan issue. Because of the diversity of gun owners, individual liberty can take many forms, but the common belief of all NRA members is doing what is best for all gun owners.
Key Takeaways:
- The author states that he risks annoying his readers who are apolitical by dedicating this blog piece to a discussion of the National Rifle Association.
- People who are looking for a little debate when it comes to partisan politics have lots of places on the Internet where they can find some.
- The foundation of the NRA started in 1871 when it was established to provide an avenue for marksmanship training to civilian and military personnel.
“But as the 2019 NRA Annual Meeting draws to a close, and because TFB and TFBTV were on hand to report on industry announcements, I feel that the National Rifle Association leadership shakeups like Oliver North being ousted as NRA president and NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre’s accusations of extortion are objectively newsworthy for the firearms industry as a whole.”
Read more: https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2019/04/28/firearm-ownership/